How To Care For A Watch With A Silver Band

Not only do watches provide you with the time and even more features depending on the type and brand you own, they can help you accessorize any outfit. Watches with silver bands will lend a sleek, modern touch to your wrist, whether it has a shiny or brushed metal finish. 

To keep your silver watch looking and performing its best, it's important to care for it properly. No matter how much you spent on the timepiece, you'll want to protect your investment for as long as possible. It's easy to maintain and store a silver watch, as long as you follow a few basic guidelines.

Here are some handy tips for taking care of your watch:

1. Avoid Water

Unless your silver watch is 100 percent waterproof, avoid getting the timepiece wet at all costs. Water can ruin the look of the metal, as well as destroy the inner workings. Always take the watch off before bathing, swimming, doing dishes and washing your hands.

If you happen to get some water on the silver watch, dry it off with an absorbent towel, such as a microfiber cloth, immediately. You may be able to stop any damage if you can remove the liquid before it enters the watch face. Be sure to thoroughly dry the wet watch even if it's water-resistant. 

Another element to avoid exposing your silver watch to is high heat, which can harm the battery. 

2. Protect the Watch from Scratches

If you plan on doing any activity, such as playing a sport or building furniture, that could create an impact on your watch, remove the timepiece first. Both the silver band and glass face are susceptible to scratching, which is irreversible and will make your watch look unsightly. 

Also, avoid scraping both the watch band and face across a desk or table, which can also cause surface abrasions. 

3. Clean the Watch on a Regular Basis

Over time, daily wear and tear may leave your silver watch looking dirty and dull. Oils, lotions and other products can adhere to both the silver and the glass, so a regular watch cleaning is essential. 

To clean the watch face, create a solution of warm water and a gentle dishwashing soap, and gently apply it to the glass using as soft cloth. Wipe it off with a damp towel. You can apply the same soapy mixture to the silver band, using a soft-bristled toothbrush to work it into any hard-to-reach places. Once again, wipe it clean with a damp cloth.

As an alternative, you can polish the metal band with a cleaning product designed especially for use on silver.
